As a Pre-qualified Supplier under the User Choice 2010 – 2015 program, Australasian Training and Education Centre Pty Ltd is required to publish audit information in relation to its compliance with the Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF).

The User Choice program provides public funding paid directly to Pre-qualified Suppliers for the delivery of accredited entry-level training to eligible Apprentices and Trainees.

The AQTF is the national set of standards which assures nationally consistent, high-quality training and assessment services for the clients of the vocational education and training system.

An AQTF audit reviews evidence of an organisations compliance with the requirements of the AQTF Essential Conditions and Standards of Initial/Continuing Registration to confirm that it is achieving quality training and assessment outcomes.  The process also identifies opportunities for improvement on these outcomes.

This information is published to assist apprentices, trainees and their employers to make informed decisions regarding their selection of a Pre-qualified Supplier for the delivery of training and assessment services.

Date of the Audit  5th and 6th of March 2014

Qualifications audited
Qualification codeQualification name
BSB41412Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety
RII21109Certificate II in Drilling Oil/Gas (Onshore)
RII32009Certificate III in Drilling Oil/Gas (Onshore)


Audit Outcome
Was non-compliance identified?(Yes/No)If ‘Yes’, non-compliance type(Minor, Significant, Critical)Summary of non-compliance
YesSignificantAs outstanding non-compliances remain, the organisation has not demonstrated it has assessment materials which are consistent with the requirements of the HLT Training Package.
Has the non-compliance been rectified? (Yes/No)Actions taken to rectify the non-compliance
YesThe organisation provided revised assessment materials for HLTAID001 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation that met the requirements of the HLT Training Package for the unit (as per SNR 15.5),thereby demonstrating compliance with SNR 15.3.

Explanatory notes:

Non-compliance with the AQTF means that requirements of the AQTF have not been met based on the evidence reviewed. Non-compliances are categorised as minor, significant or critical. For the purposes of the User Choice 2010 – 2015 program, only significant and Critical non-compliances need to be published

Minor:  No, or minor, adverse impact on learners with no serious breakdown of provision of quality training and assessment.

Significant:  Significant adverse impact on learners with insufficient focus on quality training and assessment outcomes.

Critical:  Critical adverse impact on learners with widespread or persistent dissatisfaction with services and outcomes.